Center Gate Village Homeowners Association is a neighborhood located in Sarasota, FL. Below you can find detailed information including HOA dues, community features and/or amenities. HOA Information is always changing so if you find an error please contact us so we can update our records.
Center Gate Village Homeowners Associaton
HOA Fees Include
HOA Features: Common Area Maint, Outside Maintenance, Cable
Community Features: Not Available
Also, if you have additional information you would like to see on this homeowners association including but not limited to school information, CC & R’s, rules & regulations, floorplans, board members, directors, property management phone numbers, association website, and/or photos please drop us a line and let us know! We are not affiliated in anyway with the HOA Center Gate Village. We are not responsible for incorrect information – it is your responsibility to verify all information on any community, subdivision, HOA or neighborhood. Please contact a local real estate agent to provide you with HOA management information and current HOA fees, contact information and documents, community rules, regulations, bylaws and CC&R’s. A local agent will also be able to provide you with any condos, townhouses or single family homes for sale in the community or surrounding area. Again we are not affiliated with this community or any real estate agents.
Things to consider when buying or renting in an HOA:
- Parking Rules
- Reserve Funds
- Budgets
- Rental Restrictions
- Pet Policy
- Special Assessments
- Insurance
- Repairs and Issues – roof, fences, swimming pools, re-pavement of streets
If you are buying in an homeowners association check to see if they are in litigation or pending litigation. It may be hard to find a bank that will provide you with a mortgage if an association is in litigation. Some of these may not apply to everyone but it is always good to know what living in an homeowners association entails. Once you are a resident of the homeowners association you have the option of attending board meetings and/or running for a spot on the board – including but not limited to president, vice president, secretary & treasurer. Most larger issues that arise in the association will be brought to a vote either at a meeting or by secret mail in ballot.